Will the Men of the Mountains be loyal to the Númenóreans, or will they become the Oathbreakers instead? The choice is yours.ĭCI: Last Alliance Public Beta Requirements: Or reign as a Black Númenórean lord at the head of the grim Haradrim, in the Invasion of the West. Unless you wish instead to fulfill the will of Sauron? Unleash the hunger of Orcs and wolves, be the warlord over the Easterlings, command the savage natives of Eriador to recapture their homelands,

Strengthen the cause of the League if you wish to, as the indomitable Durin IV of Khazad-dûm, or as the brave riders of Rhovanion (using the DCI mechanic).

The counter-invasion Tôl Acharn, 'Vengeance Comes', allows you to move mighty hosts against the Dark Lord. Take the role as Gil-galad, last High-king of the Noldor, or Elendil, High-king of the Númenóreans in exile, as they rally Elves and honourable Men into the League which is called the Last Alliance. DCI: Last Alliance is a TATW submod and the independent sequel to Dúnedain Counter Invasions: Tôl Acharn