Reaper Of Packs (one card pack): Purchase Diablo 3: Reaper Of Souls, and redeem the unique code. Old Murk-Eye card (Golden): Obtain a Golden version of all Murloc cards in the Basic and Expert Sets requires Level 53 Warlock, Level 51 Priest, Level 53 Paladin, and Level 53 Rogue. Old Murk-Eye card: Obtain all Murloc cards in the Expert Set. Greater Reaper Of Packs (three card packs): Purchase Diablo 3: Reaper Of Souls - Collector's Edition, and redeem the unique code. A complete set can be obtained at Level 52 for the Mage and Warrior, and Level 50 for other classes. Golden Class-Specific Basic cards: Level the corresponding class. Cards are unlocked at levels 53-60 for the Mage and Warrior, and 51-60 for other classes. Golden Class-Neutral Basic cards: Level every class to Level 60. Gelbin Mekkatorque (Golden): Purchase a pack or arena entry during the Beta perioid with money. Cards are unlocked at Levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Class-Specific Basic cards: Level the corresponding class. Class-Neutral Common, Rare, and Epic cards (Naxxramas): Defeat each of the 15 Naxxramas Bosses. Captain's Parrot (2x): Obtain all Pirate cards in the Expert Set. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding card:Ĭaptain's Parrot (2x Golden): Obtain a Golden version of all Pirate cards in the Expert Set.

Win 50 games against human players in Play mode to unlock the option to start daily quests with larger gold rewards.

You will also earn the "Hearthstoned" achievement in. Go to a mailbox to get the Hearthsteed Elite mount. Win three games of Hearthstone to get the "Mount Up!" Hearthstone quest reward. Win 500 games in Ranked Play mode with the corresponding hero to unlock golden hero frames. Successfully complete the tutorial to unlock the Jaina Proudmoore hero. Extra classesĭefeat a class in Practice mode or Play mode to unlock it. Successfully complete the tutorial to unlock the Mage class. Have any class reach Level 20 to unlock Tavern Brawl mode. Adventures can be purchased using gold or real money. Unlock all heros to unlock Solo Adventures mode.